Sunday, April 20, 2008

Randy Pausch

"If you live your life the right way, the Karma will take care of itself, the dreams will come to you." --Randy Pausch

Randy Pausch, a professor at Carnegie Mellon University, made headlines last week for the delivery of his "Last Lecture", a tradition upheld around the country, where professors have the opportunity to lecture on a number of issues and themes related to their lives, their interests, their work, etc. Dr. Pausch, however, is dying of cancer. This really was his last lecture. He delivered it to an audience of 500 with a tremendous amount of grace and clarity without being preachy or didactic. The message is simple, yet compelling. I dedicate this post to him, for dedicating so much to those around him and being the change he wished to see.

(It's long. But worth it. If time is an issue, fast forward to the last 20 minutes.)


1 comment:

contemporary themes said...

I had my students watch this last lecture, and then they wrote out their "childhood" dreams and action plans to accomplish them. I so admire Randy Pausch.